Thursday, 12 January 2012


I have been thinking today about how much of our lives is dependent on trust. As I write, I am sat on a train, in a backward facing seat and outside is total blackness. I have to trust that the train is in good working order, the track is ok under the train, the driver knows what he is doing and all the points are set right so we don't go headlong into another. So much of our life is like this.
Sometimes its hard to stand up
and face the world !

Of course, the work we do at Action Factory also asks people to trust us. We are not out there teaching someone how to draw or act. What we are about is developing a relationship where a person or a group can feel safe. Because generally the people we deal with need a bit of support. Our groups are very diverse as we work with people disadvantaged in some way. We offer a respite from the high toll of modern life and the problems that can throw up.

In my short time at Action Factory, I have seen many people come through the door battered by what life has chosen to throw at them. Sometimes it takes a few hours sometimes longer, but generally that person walks out a little taller, with less strain showing on their face and a sense of confidence and positiveness that enables them to cope with the rough seas of their life.  And that's why working at Action Factory has made me stand a bit taller, and face my own rough seas a little better.