After many years of creative projects, initiatives, seminars
and a truly talented gaggle of artists working in the surprisingly inspiring
building that is Action Factory, the time has come for us to move onwards and
It’s an exciting time for the Action Factory team; the move to
our new premises will enable us to move one step closer to achieving our future
vision for Action Factory.
Exciting times ahead, but for now we have the monumental task of sorting through 28 years of collected creativity and resources. We are downsizing considerably so on the 18th October we will be hosting a one time only garage sale. We’ll be re-homing office equipment, arts materials and things I can’t even begin to describe. It promises to be a garage sale like no other, where else could you buy a giant Dracula head?
If you are around on the 18th of Oct why not pay us a visit?
If you are around on the 18th of Oct why not pay us a visit?